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Web gadget - content module, embedded in a web page or browser, working with a browser.
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Large selection of widgets and gadgets to insert, you simply copy html, javascript, flash, swf code to your web site.
JS calendar free for website
JS calendar is one of the most popular widgets for websites. It is inevitable for everyone, who is used to evaluating his time. The main advantage of this website widget is its calm design, that will not bother while surfing the net or working. It was created in calm and peaceful pink and gray colors. This calendar will help you keep in mind the most important incoming events.
The widget constantly synchronizes with the Internet time and date servers so it always reflects the correct date. The actual date is marked with red colour and a certain digit. Current month and year are also indicated.
Here it is:
The widget constantly synchronizes with the Internet time and date servers so it always reflects the correct date. The actual date is marked with red colour and a certain digit. Current month and year are also indicated.
Here it is: