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Free Widgets
Best Widgets for your site with us Large selection and easy to install widget.
Free Gadgets
Web gadget - content module, embedded in a web page or browser, working with a browser.
TOP 100
Large selection of widgets and gadgets to insert, you simply copy html, javascript, flash, swf code to your web site.
Nice blue clock for site
These clocks for site are very useful even despite its simple design. Blue figures serve as a permanent reminder for user. This website widget can be kept in any part of the screen and it will not become irritating. Moreover it will help to be in the necessary place on time.
One of the most amazing widgets that we can offer you is this digital clock. It has good color combinations, light blue on a black background. There is an interesting scheme of changing numbers whose line are breaking and forming a new figure. This widget will add to your site some originality and strangeness. But do not be hypnotized by by it’s progress of work.
Make sure you have already downloaded one of our free widgets for website:
One of the most amazing widgets that we can offer you is this digital clock. It has good color combinations, light blue on a black background. There is an interesting scheme of changing numbers whose line are breaking and forming a new figure. This widget will add to your site some originality and strangeness. But do not be hypnotized by by it’s progress of work.
Make sure you have already downloaded one of our free widgets for website: