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Free Widgets
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Free Gadgets
Web gadget - content module, embedded in a web page or browser, working with a browser.
TOP 100
Large selection of widgets and gadgets to insert, you simply copy html, javascript, flash, swf code to your web site.
about widget
Web widget - content module, embedded in a web page or browser. This type is based on web technologies, working with a browser: HTML, Flash and more. Such modules exist for some time, and widgets they became known relatively recently. First, the word "Widget" is meant a mini-applications for the desktop (GUI Widget).The word «widget» first recorded in 1926 in the same sense as the gadget - «adaptation contraption." It is believed that its form influenced gadget, and it comes with which it - «it as his."
The word "widget" is also used as a name-class support widgets - display modules that are placed in the workspace of the parent program and used to decorate your space, entertainment, solving specific job or quickly obtain information from the Internet without a Web browser.

Nowadays web technologies have reached an enormous level of development. And widgets are not an exception. Every day there appear a big number of different useful gadgets that are aimed on making our life easier and more colorful. Moreover some of these devices may be inevitable in creating a descent web resource. Some of them are permanently used by the major website designers due to their efficiency. These small things, as they can seem from the first sight, can be divided into several types.
Desktop widgets are created to make our life a little bit easier. They are mostly used for decorating the interior of the inner world of your computer and make the desktop more interesting and eye-catching. With the help of these devices you get an opportunity to watch latest news, slide shows and images right at your desktop. However such widgets require a special widget engine. You can also make virtual stickers and create different reminders by means of these gadgets.
Another type of website widgets is informers. They give you precise information regarding time, weather and dates. A big variety of different designs and colors used in creating these gadgets give an opportunity to pick up the best variant which will suit your demands.
In case you are in process of creating your own web resource and need something to make it more attractive for the visitors another type of widgets such as website gadgets and widgets can also come in handy. Here you can find a wide range of necessary additions to your blog or social page.
The most important thing which unites all these gadgets is their simplicity in installing and managing. Create your own atmosphere and make operating on the computer more pleasant and effective with the help of website gadgets and widgets.