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Web gadget - content module, embedded in a web page or browser, working with a browser.
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Large selection of widgets and gadgets to insert, you simply copy html, javascript, flash, swf code to your web site.
Electronic red clock for website
Electronic red clock is very useful website widget. Despite the fact it is very simple, it has a modern design which will surely suit your taste. Moreover you will never forget the time due to red figures, which will always remind about some important meetings or things to do. This clock for site will turn out to be very efficient and it ia available among other numerous widgets for website.
Here there is one from the most popular types of digital clock. The design of it's is very easy for any person: red numbers stand out well on the black background. Horizontal clock is very compact and does not require a lot of space. This is one of its advantages, which you can use by posting this widget on your website, blog or network page, no matter to what they are intended.
You can check how they look like:
Here there is one from the most popular types of digital clock. The design of it's is very easy for any person: red numbers stand out well on the black background. Horizontal clock is very compact and does not require a lot of space. This is one of its advantages, which you can use by posting this widget on your website, blog or network page, no matter to what they are intended.
You can check how they look like: